Welcome one and all, in the name of King Jesus

To the Archives of the Former

New Life Presbyterian Church

Of the Bayshore Community

"...if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creation: old things have passed away;
behold, all things have become new."

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Message of Salvation
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Sermons A.D. 2013 – 16
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the entire Bible
in one year!
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Bible Knowledge Quizzes

The code and format is old, but the truth these self-grading
quizzes aim to help you gain and retain is timeless!

Quote of the Week

"Think of those gruesome scenes in east Palestine, Ohio, after the train crash that enveloped the town in a toxic chemical cloud. East Palestine is full of working-class people whom few of our establishment political leaders were willing to go visit.

The people of east Palestine form the demographic that died at twice the numbers of the general population in our overseas wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet few in our leadership class – many of whom had made one or more recent trips around the world to Ukraine to visit the Ukrainian people and pose for photos with Mr. Zelensky – went to East Palestine." — Victor Davis Hanson

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Today's Bible Passage

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