On Saturday December 18, a team of workers from New Life Church asked shoppers and other passers-by in a local business district ten questions related to Christmas. With our thanks to those who participated, here is how you and your neighbors responded...
1. What person comes to mind when you think of the first Christmas?
Jesus Christ 73 % | other 18 % | Santa Claus 9 % |
CHRISTmas, as we see by its very name, ultimately exists because of Jesus Christ. "Jesus is the reason for the season", as the saying goes. Of course, some might have taken the question to mean their OWN first Christmas...so we'll mark their papers correct.
2. Was Jesus Christ born on December 25?
Yes 32 % | No 50 % | Don't know/not sure 18 % |
The day and month of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth is not known, and the year of His birth is actually a few years "B.C." according to the Gregorian calendar - the one most commonly used today.
3. Is the Santa Claus story based on something in the Bible?
Yes 14 % | No 86 % | Don't know/not sure 0 % |
"Santa" is based on a post-Biblical (fourth Christian century) Church leader, Bishop Nicholas of Myra, renowned for his generosity. The giving of gifts imitates God's giving of His most precious gift, Jesus His Son.
4. Does the Bible claim that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin?
Yes 91 % | No 0 % | Don't know/not sure 9 % |
The 91 % are absolutely correct. The Bible asserts this in several passages. Please see Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:18-25, Luke 1:26-35
5. Did Jesus have a purpose or mission in life?
Yes 91 % | No 0 % | Don't know or not sure 9 % |
Let Jesus' own words be heard: "For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." (John 18:37)
6. Was Jesus the Son of God?
Yes 77% | No 0 % | Don't know/not sure 23 % |
It is indeed the teaching of the Bible that Jesus Christ was and eternally is the unique Son of God - truly a Man, yet infinitely greater than any other human being. The opening verses of the Gospel of John give us glimpse into the wonderful glory of just Who He is.
7. Is teaching small children to believe in Santa Claus harmless family fun?
Yes 82 % | No 4.5 % | Don't know/not sure 13.6 % |
How do you suppose folks would answer if the question was, "Is deliberately lying to small children harmless family fun?" Perhaps there are ways to have fun with the Santa Claus legend in a way that honors the Ninth of the Ten Commandments, "You shall not bear false witness".
8. Do you plan to attend church around Christmas time?
Yes 55 % | No 45 % | Don't know/not sure 0 % |
New Life Church welcomes visitors any time of the year! Please refer elsewhere on this website or contact us (732) 787-7640 for service times, directions, etc.
9. What is your religious affiliation?
a-Theist 4.5 % |
Christian denomination unspecified approx. 13.6 % |
Dutch Reformed 4.5% |
Episcopal 13.6 % |
Hindu 4.5 % |
Jewish approx. 13.6 % |
Lutheran 4.5 % |
Methodist 4.5 % |
None 9 % |
Roman Catholic 25 % |
10. In your own words, what is the meaning of Christmas?
Being with family, friends 27.5 % | Celebrate Christ's birth 18 % | Combination of answers 9 % |
Giving, sharing, good will 27.5 % | Other 9 % | No answer 9 % |
Questions? Comments?